Monday, May 15, 2017

May 15-19

Hooray for the last week of school!  As much as we have enjoyed your children, I think we are all ready for a summer break!  This week is jam packed with activities, so here goes nothing!

Monday: Today we will start our day with Fractured Fairy Tale Plays, continue with our Metric Olympic games, and then head to lunch.  After lunch, those who doubled their AR points for the year will be heading off to their field trip!  I will say, fourth grade has an amazing showing!  What great readers we have!  Those remaining will be conducting STEM projects that go along with our fairy tales.

Tuesday:  We will start the day with Fractured Fairy Tale presentations again, then move on to Science Fair touch ups.  For lunch, we will have our students who tripled their AR points eating their pizza reward in the classroom.  Students will then be rewarded with watching an AR movie and receiving their treats.

Wednesday:  Again, we will start with Fractured Fairy Tales and this will wrap those presentations up.  We will then present awards for the Metric Olympic winners.  The rest of the day, we will focus on Science Fair and presentations.  At 1:30, we begin setting up, and then from 1:45 to 2:30, parents are welcome to join us at the Science Fair in the Multi-purpose room.

Thursday: This is Field Day!  The morning will be cleaning out the rooms, and watching a upper elementary movie.  After lunch, students will head outside (weather permitting) to participate in the games.

Friday: This is our last day!  We will start with students in the assembly around 8:30 to receive any awards they have earned.  We will then move onto the Talent Show.  After this, we will have a sack lunch in the classroom, and will dismiss at 12.  If you are taking your child after the assembly, please remember to sign them out of the office.

Other reminders, if you have library books out or that are lost, they need to be returned or paid for as soon as possible.  Please pay any lunch balances this week, as well.  Grade cards will be sent home on Friday to those who have $0 account balances and that are present at school.

Thank you for sharing your children with us this year!  We will miss them!  Happy SUMMER!

Monday, May 8, 2017

May 8- May 12

Dear fourth grade families,
     We are beginning the last full week of fourth grade. Can you believe how fast this year has flown? This week we will have our final spelling list week 28. We will be doing our final cursive assignment and spelling test this week as well. Please help your student study as this will be their final 3 spelling grades.
     In math we are working through Metric Olympics. As a fourth grade they have been split into 10 teams and they have each selected a country to represent. Today they designed a symmetrical flag using two-dimensional shapes and tomorrow we will begin our events. in science they are continuing science fair. We will be putting the finishing touches on our boards and binders to get ready to attend the science fair next Wednesday.
     In reading we just completed our final class read of the school year with Sarah Plain and Tall and did a comparison of the book and movie. Most of the fourth graders have already crushed their AR goals most of them doubling if not tripling. We are so proud of them! If  your child has a goal that they must meet or an additional one that they have set for themselves Friday is the cut off for fourth grade. Please help encourage them to get there!
     **** Reminder:All Library books are due Friday May 12, 2017! If you have any questions or concerns please contact your students teacher. Have a great last full week and we will touch base with you for the last 4 1/2 days next week. Thank you for a great year!
Fourth grade teachers

Monday, May 1, 2017


It's May!!!!

It's going to be a crazy/fun 3 weeks.

AR points are due May 12th
4th grade field trip May 4th- BRING SACK LUNCH
Read in Day May 5th

After completing our MAP testing for math this week. We will begin our Metric olympics activity. This is a fun activity that requires students to apply several different math concepts that they have learned this week. They will perform events like "discus" (with a paper plate), "shot put" (with a cotton ball), and many more. Then they will have to measure using the metric system, average team scores, and make a symmetrical team flag. This is always a fun activity!

We will not have a spelling list this week!

In writing this week, we will continue working on our scrapbook project. Students think back on our year and document (with writing and an illustration) one event from each month that stands out to them. We will put this together and send it home when we finish all the months!

In reading this week, we will continue reading Sarah Plain and Tall. We are using this story to work on vocabulary development as well as other comprehension skills.

In science, we are continuing working on science fair projects. Science fair will be May 17th from 1:45-2:30 in the multi-purpose room. Our projects are coming along really well!