Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 27-31

Dear Fourth Grade Families,
     This week is a busy one. We are working on our Famous Missourians during writing. We are focusing on typing our final draft materials and editing to make sure we are on track to meet due dates. We also sent home a checklist to see where the at home pieces of the projects are at in the completion process as well. We are just wanting to check in to make sure that everyone is on track and going to be able to finish in time. If you have questions about the project please contact your students teacher as soon as possible.
     In reading this week we are looking at following directions activities. We are trying to get across the importance of reading all instructions before completing a task or giving an answer. This will help them in preparing for the MAP test. In Social Studies we are studying the Civil War. We are looking at what lead up to the war, why it took place, and what Missouri's special place is in it all. If you are curious make sure to ask your student what they may have to share.
     Math is still in measurement. We are looking at the customary measures and comparing them to the metric measures. It is making it difficult that we are no longer just moving a decimal point, but we are having to use a chart to remind us things like how many ounces are in a pound? How many feet are in a mile? How many cups are in a gallon? This is always a system that throws them for a loop, but we are going to continue working through it!

*Reminder two papers that need returned The Famous Missourians Checklist due Friday 3/31. & The Nurse Note that each child received about the talks that will take place next week due Wednesday 4/5

     As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact your child's teacher.
4th grade teachers

Monday, March 20, 2017

March 20-24

**It's hard to believe we're officially into the 4th quarter! We were SO proud of the 4th grade 3rd quarter because ALL of them reached their AR goals. We've NEVER had that happen and were so excited to celebrate with them last week. Not only did they get their points on time, but they got them a week early!!! We challenged them to do the same this quarter and hope they can do it!

**Grade cards will come home tonight, please sign and return those as soon as possible.

This week in math we will wrap up our metric measurement unit with a test on Monday (Kountz's class took the test Friday). We will then move on to measuring using the customary system.

In reading this week, we will finish Little House in the Big Woods. We will continue working on summarizing each chapter as we read. Then we will create a magazine cover that will summarize the ENTIRE book. We have focused a lot on summarizing for this book and are excited to end it with such a fun project! 

In writing, we will begin to draft our scripts for the Famous Missourian Wax Museum project. Students have been working hard to research and take notes on their Missourian. We will begin organizing those notes in an outline and eventually a first draft that will be due on Friday. 

This week we will use a couple days to introduce science fair and put them into their groups. Groups will choose their projects, but we will not start them for a couple weeks. We wanted to group and choose ideas so that we have time to get the needed materials for projects. 

After the two days of introducing science fair, we will move on to our final Social Studies unit. This unit will focus on the growth of Missouri and the era near the civil war and slavery. 

In spelling, this week will be a review week, so there is no new rule. Test will be Friday as always! 

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13- 17

Happy Monday!  We hope that you had a wonderful weekend.  Although the temperatures are cooler now, at least we missed the snow!

Here is a look at our week ahead:

In reading, we will continue reading Little House in the Big Woods.  We will work on summarizing the text.

In writing, students will continue their research on their Famous Missourian.  Please make sure that you are thinking ahead for our April 11 presentation date, and if there are any items that you may need help getting for your child's costume or presentation.  This week, students are required to have their timeline items completed (at least 5), and their two sources properly cited.

Math this week continues work on metric measurement and then we move on to customary measurement.  We will have a test on either Friday or Monday.

In Social Studies, we will wrap up our unit on Missouri becoming a state, and test over this on Friday.

AR points are due by Friday, although EVERY FOURTH GRADE STUDENT HAS 100% OF THEIR GOAL ALREADY!  At this point, we are allowing students to double and triple to earn extra rewards.  We are so proud of all the students and their hard work this quarter.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 6-10

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

     It has been a rather interesting few days. Thank you for bearing with us through these crazy couple of days. Hopefully things will mellow out now. We are not having McTeacher night tonight due to the boil order in St. Joe. We will reschedule at a later date and let you know when we have it.
     In class this week we have started working with Famous Missourians. I know the students were extremely excited to get started. We have a month of hard work ahead of us, but the final product will be worth it! Thank you in advance for all the support you provide your student!
     In reading we are starting a new book Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. The students really enjoy reading about this time period and they seem to be hooked already. We are also studying Missouri becoming a state in social studies which is during a time when our population of the entire state was less than the current population of St. Joseph.  It is always neat to watch how interested the students become in learning the many facts that go along with this period in our history. Last, but not least, we are working with measurement in math. This week specifically it is metric measurement. The students are currently learning the metric units and how they compare to our standard units here in the U.S. Next week we will begin converting the metric measurements before quizzing and moving on to standard. We really appreciate all that you do! If you have any questions or concerns please contact your child's teacher.

Fourth Grade Team