Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24-November 25

Short Week!

This week in math we will continue our focus on long division. We have 3 methods we are working on teaching them, but our main focus is that they understand what division is and can be successful with at least ONE method. Continuing to work on multiplication facts will help your child with division.

In science this week we will discuss chemical changes. Our science test will be December 5th. We will have two days of review before the test. The packets they have been filling out as we go can be used on the test AFTER the first 30 minutes of the test. Our hope is that they will study and be able to answer some of the questions based on what they know and they will use the packets later to check their answers or answer questions they weren't sure of.

In reading and writing this week we are just doing our "How To" presentations. We will assess students' speaking and listening skills during this time.

These two days are going to fly by this week! We hope everyone has a great break!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 17- November 21

This week in math we are wrapping up our multiplication focus on Monday and moving into division. We will be back in our math expressions curriculum for this and they will have homework again with a homework side and remembering side.

In science we will continue our discussion on states of matter, physical changes, and chemical changes. We will not be able to get the test in on this unit until after Thanksgiving break. Because of this, we will make sure and set aside several days to just review the material so that they are better prepared for the test. They have packets again for this unit that you have probably see come home. These packets include vocabulary, questions over the material, the investigations we've done in class, and study guides. All of this material will help them better prepare for the test. The test is tentatively scheduled for December 5th.

In spelling this week we will continue our discussion on prefixes and suffixes. We will not begin another spelling unit (with a list/test) until after we return from Thanksgiving break.

This week in Writing, students will begin (and finish) the drafting process on their expository (How-To) papers.  Their presentations will be MONDAY and TUESDAY of next week.  Look for a half sheet of paper on your child's presentation day.  Please send materials needed for the presentation on this day.

In Reading, students will continue with their non-fiction read of Pilgrims and work on their literature circles.  We will continue to work on AR points.  Mid Quarter is tomorrow (11/19).  Students should have at least half of their points.

Sunny D Labels are due November 21st.
Progress reports will go home November 19th. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10- November 14

In math this week we have decided to go back and focus one more full week on multiplication. We are still finding that some students are still struggling with their multiplication facts. We will play games, do times tests, and review our facts with multiplication worksheets this week. The more they can work on these at home the more likely they'll be to master their facts!

In spelling we will continue discussing prefixes and suffixes. We will create a book of suffixes to use as a reference in our room with the book of prefixes that we created last week. At the end of the week we will start discussing how some other languages have contributed to our language. Our spelling test this week is on Tuesday.

In science this week we will continue discussing the states of matter and all the changes they can encounter. We will do investigations and activities in the classroom, as well as work in our science packets to answer questions from the chapter. The packets they are filling out will be a great study tool for the test!

This week in Writing, students will be working on the trait of organization and using transition words.  We will finish up this trait this week, and then begin preparing to draft.  For this draft, students will be asked to create an expository paper, or a "How-To".  In this paper, students will give the class a step-by-step presentation.  This presentation is something that will need to be completed at school, and can be no longer than 15 minutes.  We will have presentations on November 24 and 25. (If some students are ready, we could possibly have some presentations on the 21.)  A note with more detail will go home on Tuesday.  We just wanted to give you a head's up to begin thinking about something that your child could present.  

In Reading, students will begin studying non-fiction text features, and begin a class reading of Pilgrims.  

Please remember that fall is here!  The weather is to take a turn to the cold side this evening.  As long as it is dry and temperatures are above freezing, students will go outside for some fresh air.  Please help us keep everyone healthy and dress them appropriately. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3-November 7

Thank you so much for all who attended conferences.  We always enjoy being able to share in your child's successes as a student!

This week in reading, students will be working on finding facts and opinions in their text, and also writing facts and opinions about their reading.  This will lead us into reading nonfiction texts this month.  We will begin that next week.

In Writing, students will begin learning about an author's purpose as a writer.  We will focus on persuading and informing this week, and entertaining next week.  This also is a skill that we use as reader's, so knowing how to achieve and identify the purpose is a huge step!   

In spelling this week we will begin working on our new spelling list. We will also discuss spelling patterns with /ea/ and the /j/ sound and different ways it is made. On Thursday and Friday we will work hard on prefixes and suffixes and discuss how they can help us determine the meaning of a word as well as how it is spelled.

In math we will return to our Math Expressions lessons. The last 3 lessons in this unit focus on practicing the methods we have learned and reviewing the steps and vocabulary we have covered. Friday will be the test! Looking over class activities 2-1 through 2-19 in the students' math notebooks will help them prepare or study for this test. They will need to know the 3 methods we have learned (Algebraic Notation, Place Value, and Expanded Notation) as well as the vocabulary terms in this chapter (estimate, partial products, rounding, and distributive property). We will also continue working on our multiplication tables in the morning but any extra practice they can do at home will help them greatly!

We will wrap up our Social Studies unit this week by going over the test and graphing it in our data notebooks.

We will go back to Science on Tuesday and continue studying the states of matter (Chapter 13 in their science books). We will discuss physical and chemical changes and review what we know about the particles in different states of matter.

Friday we will be attending the High School play at 1:15. Please make sure to send $1 with your student for their entrance fee before then!